5 years ago, i joined this site called GaiaOnline, influenced by my good friend Rina-chan. I immediately joined when i saw the avatars in the site, instead of RL pics or RL identity, in gaia, your avatar or what we call "avi" (gaia term) is the one we use as our character. we can roleplay, cosplay, we can play fishing, cards (blackjack), ZOMG (gaia's MMO), jigsaw puzzle, and many more other games.
we also partcipate in forums, guilds and clans, basically a social networking site with games built in. I think one thing that made gaia attractive is because of the avatars. you can dress up your avatar all you want, you can use male or female avi's depends on your choice. :) We use golds (gaia's virtual money) to buy clothes, items and other stuff to accessorize our avi's.
well, many has changed ever since then in the site, it used to be more lively back in the days, since fb back then is not yet popular, btw, gaia started way back in 2003. But even when fb hype is on the run nowadays, it seems many people are still in gaia. which is good to know, since rest assured that the site is not yet going to be extinct.
The main reason i still play gaia is because i really love dressing up my avatar and take screenshot photos of it and post in my tumblr account. haha.. doing so might made me reveal my mules so i can take screenshots of it and show my other characters. hihihihi... (although it's only this later time that i decided to dress up my avi based on themes - i used to put all items in my avi making it look like a random-not-so-organized-avatar which is kinda messed up. haha! - i never took photos/sreenshots of my avi in the past.)
Okay enough of the long intro, here are my avi themes :)

The first one here is my Harry Potter Theme,
Back when gaia gave away HP stuff, i think i'm on hiatus,
so yeah, i still had to buy all this stuff to make this theme
(since i like Harry Potter) i made a custom theme for it.
since i'm a gryff (i'm a beta user btw) i purchased the house robe of gryffs, but then it has no scarf (although i have a slytherin scarf - which is not appropriate with my theme lol), but atleast i have harry's wand and this little student cauldron, and i added the golden snitch behind my avi to make it look like it's a friend. hahaha.. and my Coco Kitty as my pet. :) btw i wear white tux as my inclothes to the robe. :)

For my next avi theme, here's my Quidditch Theme.
Being a gryff and all, i wear the gryff's uniform along with my Arcane Gem-stone Broom as my broomstick. hihihi.
Notice that i used the Cruising Cumulus Astra as my background to give effect on flying, and i put the golden snitch there as
to show that my avi's a seeker and is chasing the golden snitch. :)
Atlhough, notice that i still hold my wand there, haha, - ready to cast a spell on the silly snitch. hahaha.. just kidding. :))

For my next avi theme, this is my Tuxedo Christmas Theme,
I wear the tuxedo coat here, with matching hat to complete the outfit, notice that i am holding a single red rose and a cup of jolly hot chocolate - this is to emphasize that it's in a theme for christmas, and those musical notes shows that i'm on a christmas gathering. and there lookie my Coco kitty is sneaking from behind being quite shy with the audience. hihihihi
Well, I modified my Tuxedo Christmas Theme into this one, to give an elegance feeling. i put on the Rosewood cane instead of the red rose. all others remained the same. :)

My next avi theme, here's my Bunny Theme.
i wear the bunny hoodie and a red necktie. hihihi, also notice
that i put my pet bunny on top of my head. :)) also, i put on my fav sun glasses here, as you'll notice i also wear that sunglasses on my Tuxedo Christmas theme. hihihihi. this is originally my Christmas theme, but then, i decided that it has to be my Easter bunny theme. hahaha.. if you ever wonder why i have that starry background, well, because it's the main background of my profile in gaia.. hahaha..

And for my last avi theme here, my Panda Theme. ^^,
Because like my sister, i am also very fond of Panda Bears.. :) so yeah, i've been collecting panda items in gaia ever since.. (although i haven't completed the collection since it's too expensive) but anyway, atleast i could somehow make up my panda theme. :) Notice that i'm wearing the Panda Hoodie, with panda slippers, i am also wearing my pandy backpack (although it wasn't recognizable at all - lol), i also put on my panda mood bubble, and my OMG scarf. to match the outfit. notice the 2006 sash that i also put on, it's just a sign that i've been in gaia since 2006. hahaha.. (o well, i really has Panda theme without the sash, but o well, this is the one that i had screened shot.) Notice the sakura leaves, added to have the spring feeling. Meet my panda friends!!! <3 just to show my love for Pandas. hihihihi..
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